CaPA Connector Card Enhancement/Modification Form


To help raise money for community-based organizations that are engaging voters and advocating for climate, social, racial and/or economic justice, CaPA has created the CaPA Connector platform to increase the visibility of your great work among donors both inside and outside our network. CaPA will also be using the information collected via this form to inform our grant program in 2025 and beyond.

This form is for organizations that are already listed on the CaPA Connector. To access your information, please review this webpage: and find your organization’s “display card” which are in alphabetical order. Control/Command + F is an easy way to search the full list for your org name.

If there is anything in the listing you would like to change, please use the fields below to update your information. Only fill in form fields you want to change or share, leave blank any fields that do not need to be updated.  If you need to create a new card for an entity that is not yet on the CaPA Connector platform, please submit this Card Creation form. Note that each legal entity (c3, c4, PAC, etc.) should have its own card. 

There are three sections on this form: 1) basic questions about your organization and contact info; 2) more detailed questions about your organization’s leadership and programs; and 3) a budget worksheet that will only be shared with trusted funding partners who are interested in learning about the finer details of your work. The budget worksheet will be emailed to you after completing sections 1 and 2 of the form.

To aid your work on this submission: Here is a Google document with all the questions in the CaPA Connector Modification form. We recommend you make a copy of this form for group editing with your team. Your Budget Worksheek in particular may have different team members working on it and is set up for group editing. You can also print and save this form as a PDF to have an offline copy of the questions.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.


Unique ID format established by full legal name (entity type).

Note: This Unique ID is assigned based on your previous submission (if you previously applied for CaPA funding). Many entities submitted information for both their c4 & PAC entities combined, in which case the Unique ID represents that dual entity representation. In 2025 we are looking to have each entity submit its own card so please submit this form for each entity type you would like listed in the CaPA Connector.

Is your organization name correct above? If yes, leave this field blank. If not, or if you are separating out a previously joint org info card, please fill in your Organization’s Name here.

Do not display the org
Entity Type

Check all that apply for this card. A single card should only cover either your nonpartisan organization or your political affiliates work. While c4/PAC political programs have previously been displayed on a single card, we are encouraging orgs to submit a new card for every individual entity they would like highlighted in the CaPA Connector even if they have nearly identical programming plans. You can start a new org card as needed by using the Card Creation Form Please use this same link and form multiple times to submit the appropriate information for each one of your affiliates. CaPA will remove any shared org cards already on file when individual org card(s) are submitted for those affiliates.

If your entity does not have an EIN# please enter N/A

Other Affiliated Entities Type, Name, EIN

Check which other entity types, if any, are affiliated with your organization. Please list the full legal name and Employer Identification Number (EIN) for each other entity type that is seeking funding.

Is your lead contact person’s name correct on CaPA’s website? If yes, leave this field blank. If not, fill in your Lead Contact Name here.

Do not display contact

Is your lead contact person’s title correct on CaPA’s website? If yes, leave this field blank. If not, fill in your Lead Contact Title here.

Are your lead contact person’s pronouns correct on CaPA’s website? If yes, leave this field blank. If noT, fill in your Lead Contact Pronouns here.

Is your lead contact person’s email address correct on CaPA’s website? If yes, leave this field blank. If not, fill in your Lead Contact Email here.

Is your lead contact person’s phone number below correct? If yes, leave this field blank. If not, fill in your Lead Contact Phone here. Please note phone numbers are retained for non-public purposes and will not be displayed on the public version of the CaPA Connector.

Is your organization’s website (hyperlinked to your org’s name on the CaPA Connector) correct on CaPA’s website? If yes, leave this field blank. If not, fill in your Organization Website here.


In 100 words or less, describe in a timeless fashion what your organization does and stands for.

In 100 words or less, describe your core 2025 programming plans.

Is your organization’s previous year budget size correct on CaPA’s website? If yes, leave this field blank. If not, fill in your Organization Size here.

Previous Response: {acf_micro_small_medium_large}

Please share how many Full Time Equivalent (FTE) employees or contractors your organization currently has (e.g. 1 person working 40 hrs/week = 1 FTE; 3 people working 20 hrs/week = 1.5 FTE).

5. Organization Leadership Diversity

Are your organization’s leadership demographics correct on CaPA’s website? If yes, leave this field blank. If not, fill in your Organization Leadership here.

Previous Response: {acf_organization_leadership}

Please provide a short narrative about the leadership roles filled by the individuals representing the demographics selected above.

Target Constituencies

What constituencies does your organization engage? Check all boxes that apply.

Previous Response: {acf_core_constituencies}

Core Constituencies

Please select no more than three core constituencies which you view as your primary target.

Target Issues

What issues does your organization seek to educate or persuade people about? Check all boxes that apply. And use “Other” field to list additional issue focuses separated by commas.

Previous Response: {acf_priority_issues}

Core Issues
Please select no more than three core issues which you view as the primary issue your organization engages.
Geographic density focus

Select your geographic density focus

Program States

Below are the states listed on CaPA’s website where your organization did voter engagement work in 2024. Does this list capture all states you are working in? If yes, leave this field blank. If not, select your Program States. Please note CaPA is now interested in knowing all states you are working in irrespective of being a 2024 electoral battleground or not.

Previous Response: {acf_program_states_acronyms}

Below are the sub-state geographies defined by congressional district boundaries that your efforts engaged in 2024, as listed on CaPA’s website.Many donors are interested in work that is occurring at a sub-state level. CaPA tracks sub-state geographies using U.S. congressional districts. Please share with us all of the Congressional Districts where your organization fields outreach and engagement efforts.  This does not mean or require that your organization engages the congressional district race(s), just the geography contained by those district boundaries. Follow this format (State Acronym - District # separated by commas) [e.g. CA-27, AZ-01, AZ-06, CO-03]. To help identify your sub-state geographies you can review CD’s, counties, and zip-codes on this nation-wide GIS map and here is a list of all CDs by State.

Previous Response: {acf_program_congressional_districts}

Community Engagement Actions

Based on feedback from grantees CaPA has expanded the list of community engagement actions you can report. Please add or correct to this list any programs you fielded in 2024.

  • Direct Voter Registration = targeting a list of unregistered voters
  • Indirect Voter Registration = tabling or other outreach without using a list of unregistered voters
  • Cold List Phone Calling or Texting = calling or texting people not connected to you or your organization
  • Warm List Phone Calling or Texting = calling or texting people who have given your organization their contact information
  • Relational Phone Calling or Texting = calling or texting friends, family, or other personal connections

Previous Response: {acf_proposed_voter_engagement_actions}

Staff and Volunteer Balance

Is your balance of staff and volunteers correct on CaPA’s website? If yes, leave this field blank. If not, select your Staff and Volunteer Balance here.

Previous Response: {acf_staff_and_volunteer_balance}


CaPA has developed a budget worksheet template to help institutional donors evaluate your organization’s activities and associated costs over a two year period, including the current calendar year’s projected budget and last year’s actual budget. If your organization already submitted a budget worksheet you can reference it below to aid the completion of your new 2024 estimate of actual budget worksheet.

While this worksheet is not required, we encourage all groups to complete it since we will share this information with interested institutional donors and we have found this data greatly strengthens your overall profile on our private CaPA Connector platform. The budget worksheet information will not be displayed on the public CaPA Connector website and only shared with trusted funding partners. 

Once this form is submitted, you will receive an automated email with a unique URL linked to your organization’s budget worksheet workbook.