CaPA Connector Filter
Number of Orgs in Filtered Results: 20
Canary (PAC)
Civic Nebraska (c3)
Civitech PBC (c3)
Common Defense Civic Engagement (c4/PAC)
Common Defense Education Fund (c3)
CT Shoreline Indivisible (Group)
Donuts+Democracy (Group)
Elevate Omaha (c3)
Forward California Action Fund (c4)
Future Coalition (c4/PAC)
Gen-Z For Change (c3)
Gen-Z For Change (c4) (c3)
Heartland Workers Center (c3)
League of Women Voters (c3)
League of Women Voters (c4)
League of Women Voters Omaha (c3)
Nebraska Civic Engagement Table (c3)
North Omaha Redlining District (c3)
Unity in Action (c3)