CaPA Connector Filter
Number of Orgs in Filtered Results: 1
We will target Latinx, Filipinx, Korean and other voters of color. Primarily through doors,
phones, texts, emails, and in-language digital and print, the engagement would focus on
20+ federal and local candidate races spanning from the 45th congressional district to a
variety of progressive city council and school board candidates the engagement across
Orange County. Across these districts, voters would be engaged around issues of
immigrant rights, local language access resource, housing affordability, wage / worker
experience, and more.
Entity Type: c4, PAC
Budget Size:
CaPA States Covered:
Sub-State CaPA Priority Geographies Engaged:
CA-45, CA-47
Geographic Focus:
Suburban / Ex-urban
Core Constituencies:
AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islander), Immigrant, Latinx
Organization Leadership:
Staff and Volunteer Balance:
Staff powered - Little to no volunteers involved in executing programs