CaPA Connector Filter
Number of Orgs in Filtered Results: 2
Over four million people don't vote where they live. An enlistee in the Navy from North Carolina can vote--from San Diego. An NC A&T student in Brazil this semester can vote too. But they probably won't--unless someone asks them. Building Bridges for America is going to ask.
Entity Type: c4
Budget Size:
CaPA States Covered:
Sub-State CaPA Priority Geographies Engaged:
AK-AL, IN-01, NC-01, TX-34, VA-02, VA-07, WA-03
Geographic Focus:
Other, Voters outside US
Core Constituencies:
Women, Youth and Students (aged 17-35), Other, Absentee voters, outside US, military
Organization Leadership:
Queer-led, Volunteer-led
Staff and Volunteer Balance:
All volunteer - there are no paid staff involved in the organizations
Virginia Organizing’s base-building and issue campaigns are integrated with c3 civic engagement and GOTV work. All 18 chapters will do restoration of rights work, making hundreds of calls to returning citizens and identifying people willing to share their stories at press events, in letters to the editor, etc.
Entity Type: c3
Mission Statement
Virginia Organizing is a non-partisan statewide grassroots organization dedicated to challenging injustice by empowering people in local communities to address issues that affect the quality of their lives. Virginia Organizing especially encourages the participation of those who have traditionally had little or no voice in our society. By building relationships with individuals and groups throughout the state, Virginia Organizing strives to get them to work together, democratically and non-violently, for change.
Budget Size:
CaPA States Covered:
Sub-State CaPA Priority Geographies Engaged:
VA-02, VA-07
Geographic Focus:
Rural, Suburban / Ex-urban, Urban - Small city (<100k), Urban - Large city (>100k)
Core Constituencies:
Multi-racial (including white), BIPOC (Black; Indigenous and/or People Of Color), Latinx
Organization Leadership:
BIPOC-led, Women-led, Queer-led, Youth-led (aged 15-35)
Voter Engagement Actions
Door Knocking
Cold List Phone Calling
Warm List Phone Calling
Relational Phone Calling
Warm List Texting