We’re doing multiracial, intergenerational, and multilingual organizing in NY-18 and NY-19, emphasizing voters who are working-class, People of Color, Spanish-speaking, young, rural, and low-propensity. We’ll be educating and turning out voters via VAN (most voters know us before even if they aren’t in our CRM) via ALL listed contact methods.
Entity Type: c4, PAC
Budget Size:
CaPA States Covered:
Sub-State CaPA Priority Geographies Engaged:
NY-18, NY-19
Geographic Focus:
Rural, Suburban / Ex-urban, Urban - Small city (<100k)
Core Constituencies:
Multi-racial (including white), Latinx, Youth and Students (aged 17-35)
Organization Leadership:
BIPOC-led, Women-led, Youth-led (aged 15-35)