We are targeting Catholics in MI, PA, WI with trainings, in-person & digital outreach and relational doors, calls, texts as well as digital ads and billboards. In these three states, Clinton lost the Catholic vote by 65-35. Biden made it closer to 50-50 which was the difference in the election.
Entity Type: c3
Budget Size:
CaPA States Covered:
Sub-State CaPA Priority Geographies Engaged:
MI-07, MI-08, MI-10, PA-07, PA-08, PA-10, PA-17, WI-03
Geographic Focus:
Suburban / Ex-urban, Urban - Small city (<100k), Urban - Large city (>100k)
Core Constituencies:
Women, Faith-based, Youth and Students (aged 17-35)
Organization Leadership:
Women-led, Queer-led, Youth-led (aged 15-35), Volunteer-led