CaPA Connector Filter
Number of Orgs in Filtered Results: 22
Atlanta Growing Leadership Of Women, Inc. (c3)
Battleground New York (527)
Bethlehem Morning Voice Huddle (Group)
Center for Common Ground (c3)
Citizens Climate Education (c3)
Community Change Action (c4/PAC)
Delta4 Women in Action, Inc. (c4)
Democracy Labs (c3)
Democracy Labs (c4/LLC)
Faith in New York (c3)
Faith in New York Action (c4)
Field Team 6 (527)
Indivisible Farmington Valley (Group)
Jacob A. Riis Neighborhood Settlement (c3)
Long Beach Latino Civic Association (c3)
Make the Road Action (c4)
Make the Road States (c3)
North Canaan Democratic Town Committee (Group)
NYIC Action (c4)
Rapid Resist Action (c4)
The New York Immigration Coalition (c3)
TurnUp (Turnout Activism Inc.) (c3)