CaPA Connector Filter


Number of Orgs in Filtered Results: 8
Our campaign aims to engage super voters, registered voters, and especially irregular or low propensity voters
Entity Type: c3
Mission Statement
Center for Common Ground works to educate and empower voters of color in voter suppression states. We work in voter suppression states where more than 20% of voters are voters of color – Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Texas. Our work includes community surveys to help communities find their voice, community canvassing, candidate forums, making phone calls and teaching advocacy. Collaborating with local partners, we strive to mobilize ALL voters of color, both those who consistently participate in elections and those who have yet to exercise their right to vote.
Budget Size: Medium: Previous year budget $1M - $3M
CaPA States Covered: Alabama Arizona Florida Georgia New York North Carolina South Carolina Texas Virginia Wisconsin
Sub-State CaPA Priority Geographies Engaged: AL-02, GA-02, GA-06, GA-07, GA-08, NC-01, NC12, VA-02, VA-03, VA-04, VA-05, VA06, VA-07, VA-10, VA11, WI
Geographic Focus: Rural, Suburban / Ex-urban, Urban - Small city (<100k), Urban - Large city (>100k)
Core Constituencies: Black Women Seniors (aged 65+)
Organization Leadership: BIPOC-led Volunteer-led Women-led
Staff and Volunteer Balance: Volunteer powered - >50% of the programmatic activities are executed by volunteers
Lead Contact: Andrea Miller Executive Director

Community Engagement Actions

We're running a campaign around voting down ballot, the postal vote deadline, election security & more.
Entity Type: Group
Mission Statement
We're progressives, we don't agonize, we #Oregonize
Budget Size: Micro: Previous year budget < $20,000
CaPA States Covered: Oregon
Sub-State CaPA Priority Geographies Engaged: OR-05, OR-06
Core Constituencies: We do not target any specific demographics and/or it is difficult to say who we may reach
Organization Leadership: Volunteer-led Women-led
Staff and Volunteer Balance: All volunteer - there are no paid staff involved in the organizations
Lead Contact: Ariel Knox Founder

Community Engagement Actions