CaPA Connector Filter


Number of Orgs in Filtered Results: 14
We're running a campaign around voting down ballot, the postal vote deadline, election security & more.
Entity Type: Group
Mission Statement
We're progressives, we don't agonize, we #Oregonize
Budget Size: Micro: Previous year budget < $20,000
CaPA States Covered: Oregon
Sub-State CaPA Priority Geographies Engaged: OR-05, OR-06
Core Constituencies: We do not target any specific demographics and/or it is difficult to say who we may reach
Organization Leadership: Volunteer-led Women-led
Staff and Volunteer Balance: All volunteer - there are no paid staff involved in the organizations
Lead Contact: Ariel Knox Founder

Community Engagement Actions

We will engage public land supporters from across the political spectrum by talking to them on the doors, at events, through pledge postcards and mailers, and via text and email to ensure that they vote and that they know which candidates share their public land values.
Entity Type: c4, PAC, 527
Mission Statement
Wild Montana Action Fund builds the political power necessary for protecting and conserving public lands and wild places across the state by elevating the voices of Montanans who cherish our outdoor way of life.
Budget Size: Micro: Previous year budget < $20,000
CaPA States Covered: MT
Sub-State CaPA Priority Geographies Engaged: MT-01
Geographic Focus: Rural Suburban / Ex-urban Urban - Small city (<100k)
Core Constituencies: Women, Youth and Students (aged 17-35)
Organization Leadership: Women-led
Staff and Volunteer Balance: Volunteer boosted - <50% of the programmatic activities are executed by volunteers
Lead Contact: Kayje Booker Deputy Director

Community Engagement Actions