CaPA Connector Filter
Number of Orgs in Filtered Results: 1
MRAPA builds community power to fight for justice in Latinx and immigrant communities and working-class communities of color. In 2024, we’ll work in 5 counties, focusing in communities that are ignored and rarely targeted by typical Democratic campaigns, yet they are an important voter base that needs to be persuaded.
Entity Type: c4
Budget Size:
Small: Previous year budget $20,000 - $1M
CaPA States Covered:
Sub-State CaPA Priority Geographies Engaged:
PA-07, PA-08
Geographic Focus:
Suburban / Ex-urban, Urban - Small city (<100k), Urban - Large city (>100k)
Core Constituencies:
Immigrant, BIPOC (Black; Indigenous and/or People Of Color), Latinx
Organization Leadership:
BIPOC-led, Women-led