CaPA Connector Filter


Number of Orgs in Filtered Results: 73
We are focused on: 1) registering voters in the CA-41 who live with a Dem, 2) reaching Dems who did NOT vote in the Primary through postcards, canvassing and calls, 3) ensuring that Dem and Dem-leaning NPP turnout is enough to elect our target candidates in the CA-41.
Entity Type: PAC
Mission Statement
CA41 Democracy in Action is a grassroots group of your neighbors committed to free and fair elections, human rights, protection of the planet, and opportunity for all. Our goal is to empower and support Democrats in the congressional district of CA-41, up and down the ballot, empowering residents and voters to become involved in the democratic process.
Budget Size: Micro: Previous year budget < $20,001
CaPA States Covered: California
Sub-State CaPA Priority Geographies Engaged: CA-41
Geographic Focus: Suburban / Ex-urban Urban - Small city (<100k)
Core Constituencies: We do not target any specific demographics and/or it is difficult to say who we may reach
Organization Leadership: Volunteer-led
Staff and Volunteer Balance: All volunteer - there are no paid staff involved in the organizations
Lead Contact: Barbara Riker Treasurer

Community Engagement Actions

Civic Nation will: Drive turnout among 5 million newly registered and sporadic Black, Brown, and young voters in 15 focus states; Host more than 500 early voting events; Help 500,000 Americans register to vote; Donate 150,000 of free legal services; Test and evaluate innovative strategies and tactics; Build a culture of voting through music, sports, entertainment, and media.
Entity Type: c3
Mission Statement
Civic Nation is a nonpartisan, nonprofit ecosystem for high-impact organizing and education initiatives working to build a more inclusive, equitable America. Our initiatives and campaigns empower people to be changemakers in their own communities and make their voices heard in our democracy. We shift culture, systems, and policy by combining on-the-ground organizing with high-powered creative campaigns. Our partnerships with industry leaders, influencers, educational institutions, and community organizations allow us to bring together stakeholders from every corner of the country to solve some of our nation’s most complex challenges. Our unique program model and sustained infrastructure facilitate exceptionally high-impact results. Civic Nation’s Democracy Initiatives include: When We All Vote, the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge, and We The Action.
Budget Size: Large: Previous year budget > $3M
CaPA States Covered: AZ, GA, MI, NV, NC, OH, PA, TX, WI, FL
Geographic Focus: Rural, Suburban / Ex-urban, Urban - Small city (<100k), Urban - Large city (>100k)
Core Constituencies: Black, BIPOC (Black; Indigenous and/or People Of Color), Youth and Students (aged 17-35)
Organization Leadership: BIPOC-led, Women-led
Staff and Volunteer Balance: Volunteer boosted - <50% of the programmatic activities are executed by volunteers
Lead Contact: Britt Magnan-Callaway Director of Individual Giving & Family Foundations

Community Engagement Actions

COA will work with volunteers to host voter registration efforts in our community before transitioning our efforts to turning voters out this fall. We will also provide accessible election information to voters and identify and meet the language and transportation needs of the immigrant community on Election Day.
Entity Type: c3
Mission Statement
Community Organizing Alliance (COA) is a social justice, civic engagement organization which educates, empowers and engages young people centering Black and immigrant voices.
Budget Size: Small: Previous year budget $20,000 - $1M
CaPA States Covered: ME
Sub-State CaPA Priority Geographies Engaged: ME-02
Geographic Focus: Urban - Small city (<100k)
Core Constituencies: Black, Immigrant
Organization Leadership: BIPOC-led
Staff and Volunteer Balance: Volunteer boosted - <50% of the programmatic activities are executed by volunteers
Lead Contact: Safiya Khalid Executive Director

Community Engagement Actions

NC BLOC is Dedicated to implementing strategies focused on advancing Black communities and prioritizing community-based programming dedicated to advancing Black liberation. We know that the keys to ensuring voter engagement from 2024 and beyond include building trust, understanding concerns and pain-points, and stressing power through voting and collective action.
Entity Type: c3
Mission Statement
NC Black Leadership and Organizing Collective (NC BLOC) is a statewide mass movement formation composed of strong, publicly active, left, Black, and POC-led institutions (organizations, businesses, schools, etc.) and community leaders who are dedicated to creating and implementing strategies focused on advancing Black and marginalized communities across North Carolina. Our formations are also committed to effectively working together to build and strengthen a Black-led statewide infrastructure that makes it possible to win policy changes, gain political alignment, and build relationships that improve the quality of life of black, poor, working-class, and other marginalized communities.
Budget Size: Medium: Previous year budget $1M - $3M
CaPA States Covered: NC
Geographic Focus: Rural, Suburban / Ex-urban, Urban - Small city (<100k), Urban - Large city (>100k)
Core Constituencies: Black, LGBTQ+, Trans; non-binary; and gender-nonconforming
Organization Leadership: BIPOC-led, Queer-led, Trans; non-binary; and gender nonconforming-led, Youth-led (aged 15-35)
Staff and Volunteer Balance: Staff powered - Little to no volunteers involved in executing programs Volunteer boosted - <50% of the programmatic activities are executed by volunteers
Lead Contact: Felicia Arriaga Development Director

Community Engagement Actions

Ohio Citizen Action Education Fund will register voters by conducting hotspot canvassing and going door-to-door, primarily on community college campuses/areas in Cincinnati, Athens, Columbus and Cleveland.
Entity Type: c3
Mission Statement
Ohio Citizen Action /OCAEF organizes and mobilizes people to advocate for public interests. In person, by phone and online we engage people in actions that protect public health, improve environmental quality and benefit consumers. Our campaigns connect Ohioans and build a movement to protect democracy and create a sustainable future.
Budget Size: Small: Previous year budget $20,000 - $1M
CaPA States Covered: OH
Sub-State CaPA Priority Geographies Engaged: OH-01,OH-03,OH-04,OH-05,OH-06,OH-08,OH-09,OH-10,OH-11,OH-12,OH-13, OH-13
Geographic Focus: Rural Suburban / Ex-urban Urban - Small city (<100k) Urban - Large city (>100k)
Core Constituencies: We do not target any specific demographics and/or it is difficult to say who we may reach
Organization Leadership: Women-led
Staff and Volunteer Balance: Staff powered - Little to no volunteers involved in executing programs
Lead Contact: Melissa English Executive Director

Community Engagement Actions

We're running a campaign around voting down ballot, the postal vote deadline, election security & more.
Entity Type: Group
Mission Statement
We're progressives, we don't agonize, we #Oregonize
Budget Size: Micro: Previous year budget < $20,000
CaPA States Covered: Oregon
Sub-State CaPA Priority Geographies Engaged: OR-05, OR-06
Core Constituencies: We do not target any specific demographics and/or it is difficult to say who we may reach
Organization Leadership: Volunteer-led Women-led
Staff and Volunteer Balance: All volunteer - there are no paid staff involved in the organizations
Lead Contact: Ariel Knox Founder

Community Engagement Actions

Over the election season there will be a series of educational parties, picnics and other events focused on voter engagement and activation. The capstone event will be A Celebration of Democracy, slated for 9/7/24. There will also be other focused activities including door-to-door canvassing, neighborhood engagement by members, tabling at events, and more.
Entity Type: Group
Mission Statement
Traverse Indivisible (TI) is a nonpartisan group that welcomes people of diverse political beliefs. We believe in respectful dialog, mutual support, and political action to further our ideal of effective and responsive government for all citizens.
Budget Size: Micro: Previous year budget < $20,000
CaPA States Covered: Michigan
Sub-State CaPA Priority Geographies Engaged: MI-01
Geographic Focus: Rural Urban - Small city (<100k)
Core Constituencies: We do not target any specific demographics and/or it is difficult to say who we may reach
Organization Leadership: Volunteer-led
Staff and Volunteer Balance: Staff powered - Little to no volunteers involved in executing programs
Lead Contact: John DeSpelder Leader

Community Engagement Actions

Entity Type: c3
Mission Statement
Work On Climate is on a mission to build the workforce needed to solve climate change equitably and justly.
Budget Size: Small: Previous year budget $20,000 - $1M
Geographic Focus: Other
Core Constituencies: We do not target any specific demographics and/or it is difficult to say who we may reach
Organization Leadership: Volunteer-led, Women-led
Staff and Volunteer Balance: Volunteer powered - >50% of the programmatic activities are executed by volunteers
Lead Contact: Eugene Kirpichov Executive Director

Community Engagement Actions

In 2024, our organization is focused on improving our Precinct Captain Program. We aim to develop an effective, self-sustaining program in which our all-volunteer precinct captains share the organizing work of activating local voters and volunteers, strengthening our organizing networks, and fostering a stronger sense of community amongst Democrats.
Entity Type: 527
Mission Statement
The Yellowstone County Democratic Party seeks opportunity, equality, and accountability. Our cause as Montana Democrats is as simple and as ambitious as the purpose stated in the Constitution of the United States: We strive to create “a more perfect union.” Like the founders of this nation, we believe that such a union must be a government of the people and by the people dedicated to securing for every single citizen the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Budget Size: Small: Previous year budget $20,000 - $1M
CaPA States Covered: Montana
Sub-State CaPA Priority Geographies Engaged: MT-2 Congressional, Yellowstone County, Montana
Geographic Focus: Rural, Suburban / Ex-urban, Urban - Small city (<100k), Urban - Large city (>100k)
Core Constituencies: We do not target any specific demographics and/or it is difficult to say who we may reach
Organization Leadership: Women-led, Volunteer-led
Staff and Volunteer Balance: All volunteer - there are no paid staff involved in the organizations
Lead Contact: Becky Riedl Chair

Community Engagement Actions