CaPA Connector Filter


Number of Orgs in Filtered Results: 56
APIC Yakima strives to be publicly accessible year-round to supply voter education and information that assists community members with making the best and most informed decisions when casting their ballot. From contradiction of misinformation, to providing community related initiative information, APIC Yakima plans to be publicly present to inform voters.
Entity Type: c3
Mission Statement
APIC-Yakima brings together Americans of Asian, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander ancestry who live and work in Yakima Valley. Asians, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islanders must celebrate, recognize, and acknowledge the racial diversity role they have here for progressive systemic change. More voters are needed to elect public servants who share our values and look more like us.
Budget Size: Small: Previous year budget $20,000 - $1M
CaPA States Covered: WA
Geographic Focus: Urban - Large city (>100k)
Core Constituencies: Multi-racial (including white) Youth and Students (aged 17-35) Adults (aged 35-65)
Organization Leadership: BIPOC-led
Staff and Volunteer Balance: Volunteer powered - >50% of the programmatic activities are executed by volunteers
Lead Contact: Paul Tabayoyon Exec. Director

Community Engagement Actions

Civic Nation will: Drive turnout among 5 million newly registered and sporadic Black, Brown, and young voters in 15 focus states; Host more than 500 early voting events; Help 500,000 Americans register to vote; Donate 150,000 of free legal services; Test and evaluate innovative strategies and tactics; Build a culture of voting through music, sports, entertainment, and media.
Entity Type: c3
Mission Statement
Civic Nation is a nonpartisan, nonprofit ecosystem for high-impact organizing and education initiatives working to build a more inclusive, equitable America. Our initiatives and campaigns empower people to be changemakers in their own communities and make their voices heard in our democracy. We shift culture, systems, and policy by combining on-the-ground organizing with high-powered creative campaigns. Our partnerships with industry leaders, influencers, educational institutions, and community organizations allow us to bring together stakeholders from every corner of the country to solve some of our nation’s most complex challenges. Our unique program model and sustained infrastructure facilitate exceptionally high-impact results. Civic Nation’s Democracy Initiatives include: When We All Vote, the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge, and We The Action.
Budget Size: Large: Previous year budget > $3M
CaPA States Covered: AZ, GA, MI, NV, NC, OH, PA, TX, WI, FL
Geographic Focus: Rural, Suburban / Ex-urban, Urban - Small city (<100k), Urban - Large city (>100k)
Core Constituencies: Black, BIPOC (Black; Indigenous and/or People Of Color), Youth and Students (aged 17-35)
Organization Leadership: BIPOC-led, Women-led
Staff and Volunteer Balance: Volunteer boosted - <50% of the programmatic activities are executed by volunteers
Lead Contact: Britt Magnan-Callaway Director of Individual Giving & Family Foundations

Community Engagement Actions

COA will work with volunteers to host voter registration efforts in our community before transitioning our efforts to turning voters out this fall. We will also provide accessible election information to voters and identify and meet the language and transportation needs of the immigrant community on Election Day.
Entity Type: c3
Mission Statement
Community Organizing Alliance (COA) is a social justice, civic engagement organization which educates, empowers and engages young people centering Black and immigrant voices.
Budget Size: Small: Previous year budget $20,000 - $1M
CaPA States Covered: ME
Sub-State CaPA Priority Geographies Engaged: ME-02
Geographic Focus: Urban - Small city (<100k)
Core Constituencies: Black, Immigrant
Organization Leadership: BIPOC-led
Staff and Volunteer Balance: Volunteer boosted - <50% of the programmatic activities are executed by volunteers
Lead Contact: Safiya Khalid Executive Director

Community Engagement Actions

Volunteers will hold listening sessions in precincts with the lowest voter turnout and within diverse institutions; voter registration will be part of all events.
Entity Type: c3
Mission Statement
Northern Arizona Institutions for Community Leadership is the education and training arm of Northern Arizona Interfaith Council. NAIC and NAICL work to build leadership for civic participation across lines of race, class, age, and religion and organize for issues that advance the common good.
Budget Size: Micro: Previous year budget < $20,001
CaPA States Covered: AZ
Sub-State CaPA Priority Geographies Engaged: AZ- 01
Geographic Focus: Rural, Suburban, or Small city (<100k)
Core Constituencies: Immigrant Faith-based Youth and Students (aged 17-35)
Organization Leadership: BIPOC-led Youth-led (aged 15-35) Volunteer-led Women-led
Staff and Volunteer Balance: Volunteer powered - >50% of the programmatic activities are executed by volunteers
Lead Contact: Roxana Cardiel Organizer

Community Engagement Actions

Rhizome was co-founded by 90 young people in 2021. Our purpose is to build collective power for young people to create the safer, happier, healthier world they want to live in. We're engaged in voter registration, GOTV work, and student-led narrative change around youth voice and representation in 2024.
Entity Type: c3
Mission Statement
Our mission is to activate young people's identities into action and help youth treat civic service as the work of a lifetime.
Budget Size: Small: Previous year budget $20,000 - $1M
CaPA States Covered: CA, CO, GA, IL, MI, NC, NJ, NM, NY, OH, PA, TX, VA, WA, WI
Geographic Focus: Rural Suburban / Ex-urban Urban - Small city (<100k) Urban - Large city (>100k) Other
Core Constituencies: LGBTQ+ Multi-racial (including white) Youth and Students (aged 17-35)
Organization Leadership: Youth-led (aged 15-35)
Staff and Volunteer Balance: Volunteer powered - >50% of the programmatic activities are executed by volunteers
Lead Contact: Jacob Merkle CEO, one of 90 Co-Founders

Community Engagement Actions