We are focused on the most cost-effective electoral interventions to register, persuade, and turnout Democratic votes in the most strategically important states and state legislative districts. Our breakthrough voter registration work targets turf that is otherwise untouched by progressive field programs. Our best-in-class persuasion programs are built on years of RCT experiments and include digital, direct mail, social and text.
Entity Type: c4, PAC
Budget Size:
Large: Previous year budget > $3M
CaPA States Covered:
Sub-State CaPA Priority Geographies Engaged:
AZ-01, AZ-06, MI-07, MI-08, MI-10, PA-07, PA-08, PA-10, PA-17, TX-34, WI-03
Geographic Focus:
Suburban / Ex-urban, Urban - Small city (<100k)
Core Constituencies:
AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islander), Black, Latinx
Organization Leadership:
Queer-led, Women-led
Staff and Volunteer Balance:
Staff powered - Little to no volunteers involved in executing programs
We will phone bank into states with key US Senate races and key competitive CD races, canvass in NH, and do voter registration, voter protection, and postcard/letter writing into key campaigns.
Entity Type: Group
Mission Statement
The Northampton Democratic City Committee (NDCC) works to bring together local Democrats, and functions as the hub for political organizing in electoral work locally, state-wide, and nationally. In 2016, the NDCC founded the Western MA Take Back our Democracy Coalition. The coalition comprises numerous groups in western MA, including Indivisible, Swing Left, several Democratic City and Town committees, youth groups, and environmental groups.
Budget Size:
Micro: Previous year budget < $20,000
CaPA States Covered:
Sub-State CaPA Priority Geographies Engaged:
OH-01, OH-13, OH-09, MT-01, AZ-01, AZ-06, TX-34
Core Constituencies:
We do not target any specific demographics and/or it is difficult to say who we may reach
Organization Leadership:
Volunteer-led, Queer-led, Women-led
Staff and Volunteer Balance:
All volunteer - there are no paid staff involved in the organizations
Lead Contact:
Elizabeth Silver
Vice Chair (Former Chair), Dir of Political Organizing
Community Engagement Actions
Door Knocking
Cold List Phone Calling