Georgia ACT is currently conducting coordinated voter engagement efforts in Georgia (including voter registration, education, and mobilization). We are doing tabling, social media campaigns, targeted canvassing, email campaigns and rallies. Our target areas are Clayton, DeKalb, Fulton, Bibb and Ben Hill Counties that include traditionally underserved lower propensity areas (i.e. low-income apartment complexes, rural communities, and HBCU campuses).
Entity Type: c3
Budget Size:
Small: Previous year budget $20,000 - $1M
CaPA States Covered:
Sub-State CaPA Priority Geographies Engaged:
GA-05, GA-13, GA-08, GA-04
Geographic Focus:
Rural, Suburban / Ex-urban, Urban - Small city (<100k), Urban - Large city (>100k)
Core Constituencies:
Black, Women, Youth and Students (aged 17-35)
Organization Leadership:
BIPOC-led, Youth-led (aged 15-35), Women-led
Staff and Volunteer Balance:
Volunteer boosted - <50% of the programmatic activities are executed by volunteers