CaPA Connector Filter


Number of Orgs in Filtered Results: 13
NC BLOC is Dedicated to implementing strategies focused on advancing Black communities and prioritizing community-based programming dedicated to advancing Black liberation. We know that the keys to ensuring voter engagement from 2024 and beyond include building trust, understanding concerns and pain-points, and stressing power through voting and collective action.
Entity Type: c3
Mission Statement
NC Black Leadership and Organizing Collective (NC BLOC) is a statewide mass movement formation composed of strong, publicly active, left, Black, and POC-led institutions (organizations, businesses, schools, etc.) and community leaders who are dedicated to creating and implementing strategies focused on advancing Black and marginalized communities across North Carolina. Our formations are also committed to effectively working together to build and strengthen a Black-led statewide infrastructure that makes it possible to win policy changes, gain political alignment, and build relationships that improve the quality of life of black, poor, working-class, and other marginalized communities.
Budget Size: Medium: Previous year budget $1M - $3M
CaPA States Covered: NC
Geographic Focus: Rural, Suburban / Ex-urban, Urban - Small city (<100k), Urban - Large city (>100k)
Core Constituencies: Black, LGBTQ+, Trans; non-binary; and gender-nonconforming
Organization Leadership: BIPOC-led, Queer-led, Trans; non-binary; and gender nonconforming-led, Youth-led (aged 15-35)
Staff and Volunteer Balance: Staff powered - Little to no volunteers involved in executing programs Volunteer boosted - <50% of the programmatic activities are executed by volunteers
Lead Contact: Felicia Arriaga Development Director

Community Engagement Actions