Environmental Record Research

Environmental Record Research

Clean and Prosperous America Environmental Record Research ​Clean & Prosperous America is dedicated to advancing environmental action in the United States and replacing candidates not dedicated to that cause. Senator Perdue and Loeffler have greatly profited by...
Environmental Record Research

Relational Organizing and Outreach Circle Overview

Clean and Prosperous America Relational Organizing and Outreach Circle Overview What is relational organizing? Relational organizing (or peer to peer organizing) is simply reaching out to someone you know rather than to a stranger about taking an action!   Why is...

Left of Center – Register to Vote

Register to Vote CaPA will not call, email, or text you at any time nor share your information with any 3rd party even though it says we will in the standardized Vote.org registration tool disclaimer. Read CaPA’s privacy agreement here. You will receive vote reminders...